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Climate Change Services Martin Beckmann

Regarding the implementation of international climate change agreements into EU and German law many corporates in Germany, the EU and worldwide constantly face new challenges.

Climate Change Services with Martin Beckmann as lead-auditor experienced for many years offers to you comprehensive verification and consulting services - maintaing independence and impartiality -  in the field of emissions trading, climate protection and energy.             


Together within several DAkkS accredited certification and verification bodies technical inspecting services such as verification of EU ETS emission reports and tonne-kilometre reports according to the EU-Regulation No. 600/2012 and DIN EN ISO 14065 as well as verification of the reporting on fluorinated greenhouse gases according to EU-Regulation No. 517/2014 are provided.  Since 2017 verification of declaration of conformity when placing refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment charged with hydrofluorocarbons on the EU market with regard to Art 19 (5) of the EU regulation is part of the services. 


Consultancy is provided as assistance for implementation of systems for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of GHG within new emission trading systems as part of our services portfolio.


Furthermore the certification of energy management systems according to DIN EN ISO 50001 and energy audits according to DIN EN 16247-1 are part of our services. 

Independence, Impartiality, reliability and experiences for many years awards climate change services.   How may we help you?   Do not hesitate to contact us.